by Kim Marlatt | Jun 28, 2022 | news
For many people, hair loss can have a significant negative impact on self-confidence and self-esteem as it affects not only the physical appearance but also the mental health of a person. During the last decade, cosmetic surgery has sought to ease this stress. Hair...
by Kim Marlatt | Jun 23, 2022 | news
Alopecia is a significant problem that impacts both men and women, and it is something that a lot of plastic surgeons have historically overlooked because the issue is frequently treated using medication or grafts. Now, a recent research study indicates that stromal...
by Kim Marlatt | Jun 7, 2022 | news
The scientific term for hair loss is alopecia. It affects men and women alike and has spawned a variety of hair-growth or hair-replacement products that often do not perform as advertised. Recent advancements in micro-current electrical stimulation (MCS) might change...